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When God Stooped Beyond Imagining
By Joel Osteen - Apr 15, 2022
It's easy to think that if we can just get rid of a bad habit, clean ourselves up, and live good enough, God will bless us and show us His favor. The problem is that we can't live that way. We all give in to temptations, make mistakes, and let our emotions take control. The condemning voices come, saying, "You blew it! It's all your fault. God's never going to help you." But that's not the way our God is. Because you can't come up to His level, He says, "Don't worry. I'll come down to yours." He is the Most High and holy God, the Creator of the universe, but the Scripture also says, "He stoops to look down on heaven and on earth. He lifts the poor from the dirt and the needy from the garbage dump. He sets them among princes" (Psalm 113:6--8). He'll stoop all the way to a garbage dump, all the way to getting His hands dirty. And He doesn't just bring you out, He honors you and sets you among princes.

Stooping is nothing new to our God. This is what Jesus did two thousand years ago. He stooped down from the glory of heaven, from being worshipped by angels. and came to be born in a manger. He stooped to be betrayed, mocked, beaten, and crucified on the cross for our sins. He didn't have to. He could have stayed on the throne, but He said, "I'll stoop down. I'll go low, so low I'll be buried in a grave." But the good news is that He didn't stay stooped. He defeated sin, death, and hell for you and me. That's how He is the God who stoops. He comes to your messy places, meets you where you are, restores you when it was your fault, defends you when you knew better, drowns out the accusing voices all around you, and sets you in a place of honor as His child.

I love the fact that you can never fall so low that God won't come down and pick you up. He doesn't hold your mistakes against you. You're not too far off course, and you haven't failed too many times. God is coming after you right now. He's breathing on your life with fresh vision and fresh passion. What He's destined for you to accomplish will come to pass. Now don't write yourself off, and don't write anyone else off. Don't give up on or quit praying for your loved ones. There's no depth to which God won't stoop in order to free you, to restore a family member, or to bring your child back home. Get ready. New doors are about to open, new levels of joy, favor, and breakthroughs.
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